Monday, April 7, 2008

FIA President Involved In Scandal

As an ordinary person (meaning: common man, a nobody, regular folk, get it?), if you brag about your escapades with women to a friend, chances are, that friend of yours will turn green with envy, ask you how you did it and then find a way to do it himself. But if you just happen to be the president of a worldwide organization, chances are you�re going to end up being crucified or burned on a steak for getting yourself involved in this type of act. Well, that just happened to Max Mosley.

As the president of the F�d�ration Internationale de l'Automobile or FIA, Max Mosley is responsible for looking out for the welfare of all international racing bodies and car users worldwide. He�s pretty much like a president of a country. So when you have this type of position and you get caught in a sex scandal, there are two things you can do. Step down or shoot yourself. Unfortunately, Mosley refuses to do both and insists on staying on as president until his term ends on 2009. The scandal, which was reported by The News of the World, stated that Mosley engaged in a Nazi role-playing sexual act with five prostitutes in an apartment. One of the women was dressed in a prison uniform and spoke in German. Wow, how kinky is that? The News of the World even posted a video of the act in their site but has since then removed it. In a letter sent to the officials of FIA, Mosley has stated that he will not step down and is asking for the sympathy and support of the organization. He also called the report released by The News of the World as a �wholly unwarranted invasion of my privacy� and that he plans on taking legal action.

Despite his intentions of staying as president, a number of people have clamored him to step down because of this act. Two of those who have been vocal about Mosley resigning are Jody Scheckter, the 1979 F1 champion and Jackie Stewart, three-time F1 champion. Given the gravity of the situation, I feel it would be best for Mosley to step down. Let�s face it. You already got caught, plus you admitted to doing it, so that pretty much says you�re guilty. So resigning would definitely help him save face and at the same time, free himself from the embarrassment of being ousted (possibly forcefully) from his post by FIA.

Sources: Sporting News, Wikipedia

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