Monday, November 8, 2010

Peel hits the USA

It is commonly believed that Americans are large and lazy. This is false. In reality, they are the kings of convenience. If something can be done quicker and easier, ideally from the comfort of a car, then, hell, it becomes the only way to do it. Cashpoints, movie rentals, coffee shops - they'd have drive-through surgery if only someone could find a way. Good on them. Shaving hours off the day means more time to visit gyms and waxing emporiums. Convenience? It's slimming.

After my engine cools and the evening rolls in, I get back in the car and move out of town. This time, I'm joined by a grim-faced cop. I definitely haven't been speeding. Maybe I ran a stop sign. Maybe Angry Larry tipped him off. Or perhaps he just wants a go. Just as the sound of banjos begin to twang through my head, we hit upon a traffic jam. I spot a gap and squeeze through. Our cop friend gets stuck. The Peel is free.
How very... convenient.

Manufacturing : welding electrodes, steel wirerope, wirerope, pvc cables, all sort of metal and hard ware tools.
Also trading in generators. load banks and all sort of metal.
Dealing in Real Estate (Turkey.Pakistan.Malaysia.Dubai)
For Contact: Cell # +9(0531)9204077
Location : Istanbul / Lahore


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