Thursday, October 28, 2010

Caffeine rush: cars and coffee in California

This morning, the car park of the old PAG building in Irvine, California is pretty much deserted. Not much of a surprise, since even the clock is making sluggardly progress past half-past six, and it happens to be a Saturday on an office-cum-industrial park. A set of parameters that do not ordinarily lend themselves to crushing crowds and the full glorious gamut of the human - and automotive - condition.

And by 9am, it is also, quite definitively, over. Like some sort of glorious automotive flash mob with added horrible American coffee. It's eclectic, informal and all the things that a car show should be. Except it's not a car show. It's a meeting of minds and of passions, albeit squeezed into the time pressures of real life. A Skyline accelerates away in a fizz of wastegate, I turn and find the car park is empty again. But now it's a place of potential. Just waiting for next week.
Wanna go? Click on for the where, when and how to get there.

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