Cars (short of an automobile that comes from the Greek 'autos' (self) and Latin 'mov�re' (move)) is a wheeled vehicle carrying four or more of their own machine. Types of cars, including buses, vans, trucks. Operation of the car is called driving.
The first steam vehicles made in the late 18th century. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot with vehicle successfully demonstrated in 1769. The first vehicle powered steam engine, may increase the best-known steam engine, was developed in Birmingham, England by the Lunar Society. And also in Birmingham car power station was first built in Britain in 1896 by Frederick William Lanchester who also patented the disc brake. In the 1890s, ethanol is used as fuel in the U.S.
Cugnot discovery of low usage seen in his native France, and the findings forwarded to Britain, where Richard Trevithick runs a steam-wagon in the year 1801. Vehicles are considered to be strange at first, but the discovery of a decade later, such as hand brakes, multi-speed transmission, and increased speed and steering wheel, making it a success.
Today, America has more cars than any other country. Japan led in the manufacture of automobiles, but the Japanese population could not afford to run a car because parking is scarce and expensive fuel prices
InnovationThe first automobile patent in the United States granted to Oliver Evans in 1789; in 1804 Evans demonstrated his first automobile, which not only the first car in the U.S. but also the first amphibious vehicle, the vehicle-steam power could use the road on land and in water wheels used wheels padel.
Generally, the first automobile internal combustion engine that uses gasoline made almost simultaneously in 1886 by German inventors working independently. Carl Benz on July 3, 1886 in Mannheim, and Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Stuttgart.
On November 5, 1895, George B. Selden granted U.S. patents for two-stroke engine. This patent gives a negative impact on the development of automobile industry in the U.S.. Spectacular breakthrough made by Berta Benz in 1888. A steam-engine, electric, and gasoline to compete for several decades, with gasoline internal combustion engines achieving dominance in the 1910s.
Large-scale production-line manufacturing of affordable automobiles was debuted by Oldsmobile in 1902, and then greatly expanded by Henry Ford in the 1910s. In the period from 1900 to the mid-1920s, automotive technology development is very fast, due to the large number (hundreds) of small car makers all vying to grab the attention of the world.
Major developments including electronic ignition and electronic self-starter (both by Charles Kettering, to the Company in the years 1910 to 1911 Cadillac), independent suspension, brakes and four tires.
In the 1930s, mostly in automotive technology has been created, though often re-created at a later date and given credit to others. For example, front-wheel steering recreated by Andre Citro�n Traction Avant in the launch in 1934, although this technology has appeared several years earlier in cars made by Alvis and Cord, and in racing cars by Miller (and may have emerged in early 1897 ).
After 1930, the number of car manufacturers drastically reduced berpasan with industry to join together and baked. Since 1960, the number of producers is almost fixed, and reduced innovation. In many cases, new technology only improvement from the previous technology. Dengam exceptions in the discovery engine management, which entered the market in the 1960s, when electronic goods become cheap enough for mass production and strong enough to handle the harsh environment on the car. Developed by Bosch, these electronic tools can make car exhaust reduces dramatically while increasing efficiency and power.
SecurityCar accident almost as old as the car itself. Joseph Cugnot car crashed into power-steam "Fardier" with the wall in 1770. Fatal car accident the first time recorded was Bridget Driscoll on August 17, 1896 in London, and Henry Bliss on 13 September 1899 in New York City.
Every year more than a million people were killed and around 50 million injured in traffic (according to WHO estimates). The main cause of the accident was the driver drunk or under the influence of drugs, no attention, too tired, and danger on the road (such as snow, holes, animal, and careless drivers). Security facility have been made specifically in the car for years.
Cars have two basic safety problems: They have a driver who often make mistakes and the loss of tire friction when braking close to half-of gravity. Automatic control has been proposed and made an example.
Early research focused on improving the brakes and reduce the danger of fire fuel system. Systematic research in crash safety started in 1958 at Ford Motor Company. Since then, much research focuses on energy absorption outside with panels that easily destroyed and reduce human movement on the passenger space.
There was a test car's security standards, such as EuroNCAP and USNCAP. There are also tests that are assisted by the insurance industry.
Despite improvements in technology, the death rate from car accidents remains high, in the U.S. about 40,000 people die each year, a figure that still grow in accordance with the increase in population and travel, with similar trends in Europe. The mortality rate is expected to be doubled worldwide in 2020. The numbers of deaths are more injuries and disabilities.
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