Once again, sorry for the lack of updates. I have begun working not long after I got back and I am swamped with work. I didn't get a chance to have a quick holiday before jumping in the rat race. Work started on the 2nd of Jan 2009 for me, even before I have completely recovered from the sore throat and jet lag I have.
Anyway, here's a clip a couple of Aaron's friends took, before I came back to Kuala Lumpur. After the N�r was mapped and tuned, my younger brother Aaron took her out. A couple of his friends invited him out for a drive. He was very suspicious as they rarely ask him out for drives. At first it was thought only a 360 Modena would show up. Guess what tagged along, a Subaru Spec-C RAR. I guess it was intended to give the N�r a run for it's money, but little did they know... *grin*
Before heading out, they had a couple of drinks at Decanter, Damansara Heights when along came Fariz passing by. Fariz decided to join the fun too.
Here's a short clip Aaron's friends made of the night. I think there is more but we'll just have to wait...
You can also watch the clip in HD on YouTube. Enjoy.
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