Thursday, January 1, 2009

My First Award

I get The Award

First: I'm so happy, because Ang1n give me Homework + Award! He is my cool friend!

Make me proud. . .

Second: Thank you for Ang1n, it's awesome. . .

Third: Now, my turn to do this Homework, put this Award in my blog, and forward this all to 9 blogger. . .

Here's The Homework:

1. Where your blog come from? (Dari Mana Blog Kalian Berasal??)

Ans: I think, "Have a blog is not too bad idea", "And why I not try to make one?" So, it's from my idea.

2. When your blog to be born? (Kapan dilahirkannya blog kalian??)

Ans: My blog was born at Dec 13 2008, just a kids, don't you.

3. What the difficulties are there when creating a blog? (Kesulitan apa saja yang ada saat membuat blog kalian??)

Ans: I have no experience when start to blogging, it's hard for me.

4. Why discuss the topics that you study now? (Mengapa membahas topik yang kalian bahas sekarang??)

Ans: Because it's my hobby, I love speed, I love hit my adrenaline. That's me.

5. Why you using that template? (Kenapa tampilan blog kalian menggunakan template itu??)

Ans: It's a simple. Look's like my profile.

6. What's the first time you do to your new blog? (Apa yang pertama kalian lakukan saat blog kalian baru jadi??)

Ans: Hmm, the first time I feel confused. I don't know what I can do. Now, does not feel too upset.

Now, Here's The Award:

And The Next Winner are:

1. Eryu3
2. Mas Wawan
3. Ayu
4. Ocim
5. Nina
6. Nops
7. Vicky
8. Fitra
9. Ahmad Nurdin
10. Momeen

Attention to the recipient: Do it the Homework, report it to me, and take The Award. Because this is The Friendship. Congratulation and Good Luck.

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