Ang1n is named, who is given a Special Award. There is I want to say is, Thank you very much My Best Friend. I really appreciate it.
And The Homework is:
1. Please write your bad things in 2008, who want to be removed!
(Tulis sifat dan Hal buruk di tahun 2008 Yang ingin sobat buang atau hilangkan)
Ans: I want to stop smoking. Until this post is published, I have not smoked for more than 1 month. But somehow, the desire to smoke again is very strong. Feeling that comes from the heart and body. This has not been successful, but I will continue to fight for it. Because it is my promise

2. Please write your dream and hope that you want to achieve in 2009!
(Hal baik dan harapan yang ingin sobat capai di 2009)
Ans: I want to be a healthy person without a cigarette, rich in a way that honest

3. Please give testimonials about Ang1n, during 2008, the nature of Good and bad manners or less, and may have wanted to give that advice. But remember, still submit to the procedure well and that the correct spelling :D.
(Kasih testimonial tentang Ang1n donk selama 2008 ini, Baik sifat atau sikap buruk maupun yang jeleknya, dan mungkin ada yang mau kasih masukan, Tapi inget tetep utarakan dengan sopan dan ejaan yang benar yah sobat :D)
Ans: Well, I really have not yet know Ang1n. But I know, He is a good person. He is a blogger who like to work together. We can see that from his approval of the exchange link between bloggers. He also often provide good suggestions and comments. Finally, i can tell this. Ang1n is totally nice person

And The Award is:

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