This Weigand�s Floppy Disk Car, a 1998 Honda Civic covered with computer keys and floppy disks.
She wanted to create a whimsical art car so she used floppy disks that were both very cheap thing to acquire and would not add any significant weight to it. She found the disks at thrift stores and in peoples storage laying around taking up space. She had the car for a year before she started gluing the disks on. She also painted each disk and covered every visible surface of the car. The windows are covered with keyboard keys, covered the dash with sheets of old punch cards, adhered �esc� keys to the door locks, glued processor chips to the hubcaps and added a personalized license plate that reads �DISKDRV.�
She likes the attention she gets, but her least favorite comment is �You must have a lot of time on your hands!�
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